Monday, October 3, 2011

Free Online Sport Games

Flash games have been around for a while, essentially since the development of the Flash platform by Macromedia in 1996. Later developments in the code made the program easier to handle and a lot cheaper, thus readily available to eager young minds to develop new games. The games became better, faster, and more appealing, but most important of all, free! Game players around the world where more than happy to surf the internet for the latest flash games, which seem to come out daily in all sorts of flavours and genres.

One of the most popular niches of the free online game niche, are flash sport games. As most of us already know, sports are basically the number one threshold for people everywhere looking for a past time. Whether it is baseball, hockey, basketball, or the not so conventional sports, like the popular series of Yeti sports games. It has been merely one step up for free flash game websites to include flash sport games in their databases and receive an al most immediate response by part of their visitors. Free sport games like �Pinch Hitter�, a baseball game which focuses on a player facing a turn a bat, have been received with great enthusiasm by flash game players. So much so, that players sometimes ask the website owner for this game by name, to be included among the available files so they can try their skill amongst themselves.

Another important development in the flash games world, is the inclusion of high scores in some of the games. However, this feature must be coded by the original developers of the game, and made to work with the code of the flash games website. What happens is that a flash game coded for high scores is linked to the website code of the flash game website at the time of it�s installation, so it looks for the database on the host and prints the players high scores every time a request is sent. This feature not only allows for the player to keep track of his personal best performance playing a particular game, but also allows him to compete against other players. Some websites offer player rankings on the front page, as well prizes for onsite tournaments with cash prizes. So you see, the real essence and feel of sportsmanship is already part of the free sport games available online, which is competition.


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